Health & Wellbeing Report (October 2019)
Assummer has gone and we enter the latter end of 2019 our club continues to gofrom strength to strength with many of our Dancers, Footballers and Handballersparticipating in competitions many returning with successful outcomes.
Handballis a sport that continues to grow in our club and fair play to all involved inhosting The Munster One Wall Championships in June. The Chairman Tadhg OSullivan and his committee continue to work to promote Handball at an underagelevel but all are welcome to try out this growing activity within our club.
Welldone to all involved in making the SPA Review happen again this year a lot ofwork goes into bringing this Magazine to Print and distribution among the clubby already very busy people in our club.
OurClub Fun-day on September 28th was a huge success in showcasing ourclub and enjoyable evening despite the weather.
Wecontinue to host events on a social level as well throughout the year with aclimb of Stricken Mountain on July 27th to many walks, more recentlyon October 5th down around Ross island and Copper-mines. Theseevents along with being Health and Wellbeing have an Educational element tothem as well.
Inmy July Report I mentioned that there is always room on the “Health andWell-being bus” and that as the Clubs Health and Well-being Officer I am alwaysopen to ideas for Autumn/Winter .
Onesuch Event is happening at the end of our ABC and under age academy year end. OnOctober 19th when we host a Coffee morning from 10am to 12 noon.This is in conjunction with the Irish Cancer Society and to give back to theirexcellent palliative care teams who care for so many and support their familiesat this extremely difficult time.
Ourclub is at present grieving the loss of many members whose contribution to ourclub is deeply appreciated and we will continue to support their families inwhatever way we can and hold their loved ones memory within the club goingforward.
Socome along on this special morning in our club and show your appreciation. Home-bakingwill be welcome.
Ifyou feel you have an idea that would be of interest to your club or team, whynot let me know and I will make every effort to facilitate on the clubcalendar.
Thanksagain to all who strive to make our great club an even better club goingforward.
Margaret Doyle, Health and Well-being Officer.