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Introducing our Senior Players: Evan Cronin

Over the next couple of weeks we will introduce you to members of our Senior Team. Today we start with …Evan Cronin!

1. Name: Evan Cronin

2. Nickname: No nickname thank God!!

3. Age: 22

4. Marital status: Married

5. Occupation: Student

6. Team position: Forward

7. Tell us one thing that we do not know about you: I have a silver medal for chess.

8. What is your favourite sandwich? Chicken, bacon, sweetcorn, baby leaf spinach

9. Favourite training drill: 1 v 1s with Dan O’Donoghue. Guaranteed goal!

10. Favourite band/musician: Christy Moore

11. Favourite Film: The Lion King

12. Favourite toy as a child: My bike. Cycled everywhere

13. What movie title would describe your life thus far: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

14. Best player you have ever played with: Dara Moynihan

15. Best player you have ever played against: Mark O’Connor

16. Toughest opponent in training: Brian Lynch

17. Pre-match meal: Pasta and chicken

18. Who is the ‘Ladies Man’ of the team? Shane Cronin closely followed by Cormac Batt

19. Worst dress sense: Stam. Buys pants for €2😂

20. Dressing room funny guy: Ryan O’Carroll but he’s tough to listen to most of the time

21. Inter-county player you would like to see transfer to the club: David Clifford

22. First thing you would buy if you won the Lotto Jackpot: I’d buy Stam a new pair of pants and I would invest in Gaelic Plus.

23. If you could choose to be an animal, what would you be and why? A horse because I can retire to stud when older!

24. If you could invite any 3 people to dinner, who would they be? Jamie Carragher, Dennis Rodman and Molly Mae from Love Island

25. Favourite memory associated with the club: Captaining the club this year was and still is a huge honour.

26. Best thing about playing football: The friends you make

27. Advice to youngsters: Make sure you practice kicking off both feet. It’s a vital skill that makes it harder to mark you.