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SPA Healthy Clubs Review 2021

SPA Healthy Clubs Review 2021

As 2021 draws to a close we all reflect on a year that had its bad and its good times. With Lockdowns at the beginning of the year being particularly tough. Being the resilient race we are our club blossomed yet again once Government guidelines allowed us to so. Both the young and the not so young enjoying the return of some of our activities.

As I informed you in our previous Healthy Clubs update Our Phase 4 Project was completed despite lockdown restriction within the 15 month timeframe on May 30th. Futhermore it was accepted at headquarters but due to lockdown an official celebration at Croker is rescheduled for the earlier part of 2022. The plaque we received will be displayed at the club shortly.

We are now recognised as a bronze club within the new criteria of the Healthy Clubs fraternity and from January 2022 I will be looking to improve on this as I feel we are a GOLD Club and need to promote ourselves as same. We All have our part to play in this becoming a reality.

During 2021 there has been many signs put on the walls of our club house and stand. Among these is the fact our club is a “No Smoking Zone”.

  • “Your Mental Health is Precious”


  • (You are asked to keep in mind)

  • The Players are amateur

  • The Coaches are Volunteers

  • The Referees are Human

  • Show respect to all

  • Enjoy your Games

  • Give Respect/Get Respect

Familiarise yourselves with these, we all have our own part to play and should feel privileged as without players, volunteers and referees we don’t have games to spectate.

Our Club is registered to part take in “Ireland lights up” and Mylife Healthy Clubs events steps challenge. We are to begin our Ireland Lights up walks on Wednesday evening January 12th , Lights on between 7 and 8pm. Keep an eye on our club notes for any updates and please do support and if you do have even a half an hour to help out it would be greatly appreciated.

I will sign off by thanking the Chairman and Executive committee as well as the Healthy Clubs Team ,C.E Scheme team all club members for making SPA G.A.A Club a vibrant place to learn new skills, to exercise and have connection with the wider Spa community.

Success comes from can not can’t

Happy New Year

Margaret Doyle

Healthy Clubs Officer

087 918 1970 (Call or Txt)