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Club Notes (April 27th 2020)


Covid 19 - Minding Your Mental Health

As the year of 2019 drew to a close, I informed you that the prospect of our club’s application for National Healthy Clubs Phase 4 was, in my opinion, looking good. Thankfully, this proved to be 100 per cent correct. This is an 18/24 months phase where our club is monitored by the feedback to Headquarters. On February 1st, I travelled to Dublin to a very informative and enjoyable day in Croke Park, and I have to thank Mary O’Connor for her hospitality and company on the day. Out of 210 clubs that applied for this Phase 150 approx. were accepted.

We began our year with a very successful Operation Transformation Ireland Lights Up 8-week Programme in January. Thanks to every one of you who made this a success. A most interesting evening was also held in February when a First Aid and talk on concussion was held, organised by Coiste na Óg Chairman Seamus and thanks also to Liam and Des. Unfortunately for now further plans are on hold. I like everyone else am hoping the Covid 19 restrictions are lifted shortly, but for now have to obey the rules and follow the guidelines. Anyone in the community who needs any shopping or medication collected; do not hesitate to contact the club or Local Garda Station. We may be in isolation but there is no need to feel isolated help is only a Call or Text away.

As always feedback for the times we find ourselves living in would be very welcome. I know many of you are very good with technology and fitness, your input to the club would be very much appreciated. Any ideas of any kind will be considered. It is important that we keep our club family connected.

My contribution as I finish this report to you for now is: 5 Ways of Wellbeing

  1. Connect: Try to make connection with those around you or by contacting a friend or club squad member of your team.

  2. Be Active: Try and get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each day, depending on your fitness level.

  3. Take Notice: Broaden your awareness of those around you Learn new skills and be mindful of each skill you learn.

  4. Learn: Set yourself goals in life and in sport and try to learn from others.

  5. Give: People who help others are more likely to be happier people. Try to commit to an act of kindness each week.

To finish, in the words of Cork footballer Eoin Cadogan - “Maintaining your Mental Fitness is no different to maintaining your Physical Fitness. You need to work on both constantly.”

If I can be of help to anyone in the community, contact me on 0879181970. Stay Safe, Regards

Margaret Doyle, Spa GAA Healthy Clubs Officer


Spa GAA are part of the Community Volunteer programme and as well as the Kerry Volunteers helpline, we have a list of club members in different areas that have offered to be available if called upon during these few weeks. If anyone needs help with shopping, deliveries etc please contact either the Kerry Community Volunteers (tel 1800 807 009 / text 50555 / email OR to contact the club directly: Club Secretary Patrick (0876332773), Michael (0858213027), Conor (0872565142) or Deirdre (0851216359).


A reminder to everyone that all Clubs grounds and facilities remain closed completely until further notice. Players, Members and the General Public are not allowed use of Club Grounds or Facilities for any activity including training or recreational while these restrictions are in place.


A huge thank you to everyone who is sending in photos, programmes, newspaper clippings etc of Spa over the years! We are going through our history of teams, events and members over the years, and they can be found on our website ( or our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). If you have any old photos, newspaper clippings, programmes etc, please send them on to 0851216359 (text or what’s app), email or private message our Spa social media pages.


“Public health is and always has been the number one priority and we in Kerry GAA have played our part from the outset. While the Government announcement regarding mass gatherings on Tuesday wasn't entirely unexpected, it nonetheless brings a certain level of clarity as to how we might look at potential options for our games post August. The CCC are the subcommittee responsible for all our fixtures planning and will meet remotely over the next number of weeks to plan for what competitions we could provide for our players, clubs and supporters should any potential lifting of the restrictions so allow.

The resumption of Club activity will be the boards primary focus and we need to plan effectively now for as many scenarios as possible so that we can act swiftly if and when these restrictions are either lifted or modified. Kerry’s proposed fixtures calendar will need to be tailored to suit any possible window of opportunity that may arise in the future. Our Intercounty players remain physically and mentally very focused, continuing their individual training and will be ready to respond if and when any playing opportunity arises. Our Clubs have been exemplary, not only in their adherence to the guidelines, but in embracing the rapid community response initiative countywide, helping as always the most vulnerable in our society.

It is important that we acknowledge and compliment this extraordinary demonstration of community volunteering which is unparalleled anywhere in the world.

Finally, we encourage everyone to continue in adhering to the guidelines and we look forward, albeit with limited but nonetheless renewed hope to potential games taking place in the latter part of the year.”


Sympathy is extended to the Murphy family, Knocknaloman, on the passing of Mike Murphy RIP, (originally from Scartaglin). He was a great supporter of the Spa juvenile and senior card drives.


The Lotto has been suspended for the foreseeable future. The expiry dates of annual tickets and online tickets will be extended to compensate for weeks when Lotto is not held.

Any items for the club notes please contact Deirdre at or 0851216359 before 8pm on Sundays.