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Senior Co. League Rd1

Spa 1-4 An Ghaeltacht 1-13

The day began with a mini-blitz for the U8s and a big thank you to the young players and their coaches and parents who travelled early to Gallarus and stayed and supported the seniors afterwards.

Thank you also to the Gaeltacht club for organising the blitz and welcoming our juveniles on the day!

In the senior game Spa struggled against the elements throughout and An Ghaeltacht deservedly took the two league points.

An Ghaeltacht scored right from the throw in with Éanna Ó Conchúir the first to hit the ball between the posts. Spa were quickly attacking on goal at the other end but Mac an tSaoir blocked Andrew Garnett's first shot before a great move between Shane Cronin and David Spillane in the ninth minute set Garnett up again and this time he rattled the net. A point by Sean Mici Ó Conchúir and two from Kerry's Tomás Ó Sé, and a Liam Kearney point for Spa, had the sides level 1-1 to 0-4 at the end of the first quarter.

Points from Éanna Ó Conchúir and Tomás Ó Sé moved Gaeltacht in front and they almost got through on goal but David Carroll pulled off a super save to deny Seán O Bambaire.

Ciaran Spillane pointed late in the half and at the break the home side were ahead, Spa 1-2 An Ghaeltacht 0-6.

On the restart, Mike O'Donoghue pointed a free for Spa to level the game once again, but Gaeltacht responded with points from Seán Mici Ó Conchúi (2) and Seamus Ó Muircheartaigh before Éanna Ó Conchúir kicked the best score of the day, a brilliant long high ball against the crosswind. Mike O'Donoghue and Tomás Ó Sé exchanged points but An Ghaeltacht added to their lead with scores from Colm Ó Muircheartaigh and Seamus Ó Muircheartaigh, and an injury time goal from Gearóid MacGearailt, to finish the game Spa 1-4 An Ghaeltacht 1-13.

Spa: David Carroll, Brian Lynch, Eoin Fitzgerald, Brian Devane, Ciaran Spillane, Niall O'Mahony, Shane Cronin, Liam Kearney, Mike McCarthy, David Spillane, Mike O'Donoghue, Ryan O'Carroll, Cormac Cronin, Andrew Garnett, Evan Cronin. Subs: Niall McCarthy, Conor Stack, Bryan Russell

An Ghaeltacht: Tomás Mac an tSaoir, Colm Ó' Muircheartaigh, Brian Ó'Beaglaoich, Cathal Ó'Luing, Franz Sauerland, Padraig Ó'Sé, Ciaran Ó'Coileáin, Éanna Ó Conchúir, Roibeard Ó Sé, Máirtín Ó Gormáin, Seán Ó Luing, Gearóid Mac an tSaoir, Seán M Ó Conchúir, Seán Ó Bambaire, Tomás Ó Sé. Subs: Cathal Ó Gairbhí, Óigí Ó Sé, Gearóid MacGearailt, Seamus Ó Muircheartaigh

Referee: James O'Sullivan (Firies)