Dear Members
It’s been awhile since you have heard from the Healthy Clubs Team, I can assure you we have continued to work hard to keep the SPA ship sailing and the hard work has paid off.
As I informed you in early 2020 Mary O Connor and I attended an Orientation Day at Croke Park having successfully been accepted for the Healthy Clubs Phase 4 Project. This was a 15 month project that despite been threatened by lockdown we got through the 7 steps before the May 30th deadline.
We have recently received confirmation that we were successful which now puts our club status in a very strong place within the G.A.A fraternity.
Well done to those who took the time to make this happen.
Chairman Michael Cronin for his help and co-operation with all projects undertaken. To Mary O Connor for her time and hospitality. To Anne Holland for always taking the time for photographs. Today’s photos are tomorrow’s treasured memories and a wonderful archive for our club in the future.
To Conor Gleeson who doesn’t just talk the talk but walk the walk and his participation was no doubt very instrumental in the completing of this project. He definitely realises the value of this Project going forward. To Deirdre O Sullivan D’Arcy for her weekly up-dates especially all the various “blasts from the past” that kept our club connected. To Pa Murphy never found wanting regardless the task, our many Healthy Clubs bill boards around the club a testament to his skills. Please take the time to reflect on these and inform yourself of your part in Healthy Clubs Project. Seamus Moynihan who’s endless hours leading our club in his capacity as Coiste na og Chairman .This is the future of our club.
All of these people showed an interest in our Healthy Clubs Project when I first introduced it in the club, and how lucky we all are now for that support in its infancy. We can now be proud going forward because this is how the G.A.A plans to move forward Our Club has a huge variety of activities to offer any individual or family. Variety that continues to grow I am at present awaiting feedback from
the Dads and Lads amongst us to see if there is any interest in forming a team. We are registered and it’s more for well- being and fun.
If there are any ideas floating around, let me know we need them now more than ever.
Mile Buchious go leir for your participation regardless what it was ,be it supporting or helping with our Ireland lights up walk, a coffee morning attending games, mentoring a team ,committing as a competitor. Representing your club at county or national level. It has all been beneficial in Headquarters bestowing such an accolade to us, which we will hopefully be able to celebrate going forward.
We are not just a good club, we are a great club.
Please be proud and respect the steps taken with pride in assuring our club is moving onwards and upwards.
Success comes in cans not cant's
Margaret Doyle, Healthy Clubs Officer 087 918 1970 (Just a call or text away)