AGM Report

Our AGM was held last Tuesday February 2nd and this year, due to current restrictions, the meeting was held online through Microsoft Teams. Thank you to everyone who attended on the night and to our Club Secretary Patrick for preparing and for coordinating the meeting.

Like all clubs nationwide, we have spent the past year adapting to the ongoing challenges posed by Covid 19. We were able to enjoy some months of activity, and our club and club volunteers certainly stepped up to overcome the many obstacles that arose during the year.

Activity at the club, although greatly pared back, did continue with some leagues and championships completed, while some activity, such as the 2020 Intermediate Championship, is set to continue later this year.

As we face new challenges this year, we will need all support going forward, and we do thank everyone for their continued support.

The following Officers have been elected for 2021, with two changes for this year.

John O’Donoghue replaces Cáit O’Sullivan Darcy as Co Board Delegate on the Senior Board, and Denise Cremin replaces Andrew O’Sullivan as Coiste na nÓg Secretary on the Juvenile Board.

Chairperson: Michael Cronin
Vice-Chairperson: Conor Gleeson
Secretary: Patrick O'Regan
Treasurer: Margaruite Brosnan
Assistant Treasurer: Andrew Garnett
PRO: Deirdre O'Sullivan Darcy
Child Welfare Officer: Anne Holland
Health & Wellbeing Officer: Margaret Doyle
Co Board Delegate: John O’Donoghue
East Kerry Board Delegates: Seamus Clifford & John O'Donoghue
Scór Officer: Eileen Aherne
Registrars: Ger Mangan & Sean O'Sullivan
Coiste na nÓg Chairperson: Seamus Moynihan
Coiste na nÓg Secretary: Denise Cremin

Wishing the club every success for the season ahead. Spa Abú