Club Notes (18th November 2019)


Date for AGM

The club AGM will be held on Saturday December 14th at 6pm. All are welcome. Nominations and Motions to be sent to club secretary on 0876332773 or

Lotto Results 11/11/2019 

Numbers drawn: 9, 12, 13, 22. No winner and €50 Lucky Dips going to Patrick Culloty; Deirdre & Peter Fee; Lyno; Jim Lyne. Next week’s draw will take place in the Killarney Oaks Hotel and jackpot is now €7,100. Play online or in usual outlets.

Wedding Congratulations

Congrats to Adrian O’Sullivan and Grainne Fitzgibbon who were married at the weekend.

2019 Sports Capital Grants

Spa GAA Club are delighted with the announcement that we are to receive €13,194 from the 2019 Sports Capital Grants. Our thanks to Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Brendan Griffin TD whose Department secured €1.6m funding towards 54 sports clubs and projects across Kerry this year. The grant allocation was announced on Friday by Minister Griffin and the Spa funds have been allocated towards pitch security perimeter fencing at the club grounds.

Bishop Moynihan Cup pays a surprise visit to Ian O’Connell

Ian O’Connell received a surprise visitor at his home last Thursday evening as members of the East Kerry team and management called for a visit with the Bishop Moynihan Cup.

Thank You

It has been a busy few months for the club and we want to say a big thank you to all our volunteers and helpers who are vital in keeping our club running smoothly. To our CE workers, club volunteers, car parking stewards, tea-makers, grass-cutters and to everyone who helps out at the club for events and on match days like last Sunday – thank you!

Sports Hall & Meeting Room Hire

Meeting Rooms and Sports Hall available for hire. For enquiries contact Eileen on 0876577312 (after 6pm only) or Ann on 0879403508

Last Orders for Spa gear before Christmas

The Spa shop will be open this Wednesday November 20th at 7pm for the last of the orders for Spa gear before Christmas. Any questions contact Mathilda on 0876487356

East Kerry Homecoming Celebrations

After the magnificent victory for East Kerry at the weekend, Spa had the honour of hosting the traditional ‘Captain’s Homecoming’ celebrations at the clubhouse on the Monday night. As the bonfire greeted the team on arrival, a massive crowd filled the hall in Spa to welcome the champions, led by East Kerry team captain and Spa defender Dan O’Donoghue.

On the night we were joined by the East Kerry team and management, officers of the East Kerry Board and supporters from all the six clubs involved – Spa, Glenflesk, Gneeveguilla, Firies, Listry and Fossa – and members of the local community. A big thank you to everyone in the club who helped with the homecoming celebrations, and special mention to Anne Holland for her photos - Photo Album available through this link

O’Donoghue Cup Quarter Final: Spa 4-15 Currow 1-11


Spa welcomed Currow on Sunday afternoon in the East Kerry O’Donoghue Cup Championship quarter final, and while the game was close in the first half, an unanswered 2-5 from Spa in the third quarter helped secure our place in the semi-final. 

Match report available through this link.

Draw for the semi-finals to be announced. Spa Team: James Devane, Eoghan Cronin, Eoin Fitzgerald, Brian Lynch, Shane Lynch, David Spillane, Ciaran Spillane, Liam Kearney, Shane Cronin, Gary Vaughan, Ryan O’Carroll, Michael McCarthy, Michael Foley, Michael O’Donoghue, Evan Cronin. Subs: Niall O’Mahony, Ollie Cremin, Cormac Cronin, Andrew Garnett, Niall McCarthy, Brian Devane

Club Notes

Any items for the club notes please contact Deirdre at or 0851216359 before 8pm on Sundays