Club Notes (June 22nd 2020)


The following changes to the return to activity guidelines are being made after recommendations made by the Covid-19 Advisory Committee and they have been endorsed by the GAA, the Camogie Association and the LGFA.

This week:

1) Open pitches for Adult training from Wednesday, June 24th. Open for Minor and below from Saturday, June 27th. Both of the above on a non-contact basis and on the understanding that players and all participants have completed the eLearning module and are following the control measures in place (health questionnaire etc).

2) On the basis of a maximum of 15 players in a designated area of the field (26 Counties) and 10 players in a designated area of the field (6 Counties).

3) Coaching numbers for underage teams to be consistent with Code of Behaviour.

From June 29th:

1) Allow contact training and challenge games for all from Monday, June 29th (26 Counties). We await guidance from the NI Executive in relation to 6 Counties – non-contact training in the numbers outlined above in the interim. We also await clarification on what will constitute a close contact versus a casual contact.

2) Restriction on participants only attending training sessions to be relaxed from June 29th – subject to government specified maximum of 200 people in the ground.

3) Allow Club Fixtures from Friday July 17th.

4) No change to inter-county dates (Sept 14th for training; competitions to start on Oct 17th as planned).

5) All control measures for players, coaches and other team personnel (completion of health questionnaire, eLearning education etc) is to remain in place until advised otherwise.

6) Dressing rooms to remain closed until July 20th. The Advisory Committee is considering the position in relation to other GAA buildings (such as Club bars that are serving food, Gyms, Handball alleys etc). Guidance will be provided in this context before June 29th.


Registration for 2020 remains open on the website for the moment. Anyone who has not registered yet is asked to do so as soon as possible on the website link before the club re-opens shortly. With limited access to GAA grounds going forward, only registered members/players will be allowed to access the walking track, playing pitches etc.


Thank you to everyone who has supported our Spa GAA Share The Pot draw so far. If you haven’t already signed up, there is still time to get your name in before the next draw this Friday June 26th at 8pm. It is €10 per ticket to be included in next 4 draws (€2.50 into the pot for each draw) and at each draw the Club & winning ticket share the pot 50/50. Visit this link on to play or contact Club Officers to get your name in. **The usual Spa Lotto remains suspended for the foreseeable future and the expiry dates of annual tickets and online tickets will be extended to compensate for weeks when Lotto is not held.



A new eLearning module has been created to inform those involved with the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Clubs on the safe resumption of Gaelic Games activities. The module must be completed by anyone entering club facilities, especially players, team personnel, parents/guardians of underage players, Covid Supervisors and Club Officers.

The module takes 20 minutes to complete and can be taken at any time on any laptop or mobile device. Participants will have to declare on their Health Questionnaires that they have completed the module. The module can be accessed at: The programme aims to protect the health and welfare of all those involved in Gaelic Games and minimise the risk of transmission of Covid-19 in local communities.




The details for the Kerry GAA Cúl Camps were finalized last week and the camp in Spa (for children aged 6-13) will take place from August 3rd - 7th 2020. Bookings will open on the national website this Tuesday 23rd June at 6pm. This year all registrations must be done online and the numbers at camps will be limited. Parents will NOT be able to register on the morning of the camp. Parents who had already booked a camp online this year can change their booking on Monday and Tuesday next week on the National website before the site goes live on Tuesday evening.


Help is still available if anyone needs it, both through the Club and the Community Volunteer programme. Kerry Community Volunteers (tel 1800 807 009 / text 50555 / email OR to contact the club directly: Patrick (0876332773), Michael (0858213027), Conor (0872565142) or Deirdre (0851216359).


On Friday, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced a further acceleration of the re-opening of the Irish economy, with some of the Phase 4 steps now being brought forward to Phase 3 starting Monday June 29th. Based on advice from NPHET (National Public Health Emergency Team), we are clearly making great progress in suppressing the spread of the virus, but as always they are asking people to continue to proceed with caution. Some of the new changes are:

From June 29th

·         Groups of up to 50 people can meet indoors and groups of up to 200 people can meet outdoors. All going well, it is hoped to be able to increase these numbers in Phase 4 (starting July 20th) to gatherings of up to 100 people indoors and 500 people outdoors.

·         Gyms, leisure facilities, cinemas, hairdressers, barbers and beauticians can all re-open

·         All sporting activities, including close contact sports and team leagues for adults and children, can recommence. Sports can take place BUT with a limited number of spectators

·         Churches and places of worship can resume services

A reminder that in Phase 3 people are still being advised to work from home where possible. People are asked to consider 4 things before doing something: DATE: Distance-Activity-Time-Environment and to always make sure to take personal responsibility before doing something.

1.       Distance - Continue to maintain a 2 metre distance where you can

2.       Activity - Continue with handwashing, good hygiene practices and the wearing of face coverings

3.       Time - Be aware of the length of time you spend with people or spend with others in a group setting

4.       Environment - Be aware of the space you are in, for example an indoor poorly ventilated space will be a higher risk than an outdoor space


Thank you to everyone who is sending in photos, programmes, newspaper clippings etc of Spa over the years! We are going through our history of teams, events and members over the years, and they can be found on our website ( or our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). If you have any old photos, newspaper clippings, programmes etc, please send them on to 0851216359 (text or what’s app), email or private message our Spa social media pages.


Any items for the club notes please contact Deirdre at or 0851216359 before 8pm on Sundays.