East Kerry Senior League Match Report: Spa 5-17 Gneeveguilla 3-12

Spa and Gneeveguilla met on Friday night in the first round of this year’s East Kerry Senior League.

Gneeveguilla opened the scoring with points from Shane Crowley and Padraig Doyle before Mike McCarthy replied for Spa and Evan Cronin rattled the net shortly after. Niall O’Mahony (2) and Evan Cronin (2) swapped points with Shane Crowley, JJ Herlihy and Shane O’Sullivan to make it 1-5 to 0-5 at the end of the first quarter.

Padraig Doyle finished the first Gneeveguilla goal and a point from Shane Crowley followed, while Spa replied with points from Andrew Garnet, Niall O’Mahony (2), David Spillane, Evan Cronin and Ciaran Spillane to lead at the break by 1-11 to 1-6.

Niall O’Mahony and Evan Cronin (2) increased the Spa advantage but Gneeveguilla responded with Pa Warren, Jack Cremin (2) and JJ Herlihy all on target to make it 1-14 to 1-10.Evan Cronin netted the second Spa goal before David Spillane made it three and Shane Cronin made it four, with a point from Evan Cronin in between.

Gneeveguilla responded with two goals at the other end - the first from Shane O’Sullivan and the second from Jack Cremin. Two more points from Shane O’Sullivan reduced the gap but late points from Evan Cronin and Mikey Moynihan were followed by David Spillane with the fifth Spa goal.

Final score: Spa 5-17 Gneeveguilla 3-12

Spa Team: James Devane, Eric O’Donoghue, Eoin Fitzgerald, Eoin Cronin, Conor Stack, Dan O’Donoghue, Connie Cremin, Shane Cronin, Ciarán Spillane, Michael McCarthy, Niall O’Mahony, Mikey Moynihan, Niall McCarthy, Evan Cronin, David Spillane. Subs: Andrew Garnett, Paul Cahill, David Carroll, Michael Kearney

Gneeveguilla Team: Jerry Cronin, Damien O’Sullivan, Darren Brosnan, Philip Cremin, Connie O’Connor, Pa Warren, Kevin Coughlan, JJ Herlihy, Conor Herlihy, Shane Crowley, Shane O’Sullivan, Sean O’Keeffe, Jack Cremin, Padraig Doyle, Con Buckley

Referee: Jim O’Connor (Scartaglin)