At last week’s Spa LGFA AGM Emma Daly who after three years is stepping away from her role as the Clubs LGFA Secretary is presented with a well deserved bouquet from our Clubs LGFA Chairperson Susan Waters. Susan summed up Emma’s contribution to the Club wonderfully -
I would like to make a presentation to our outgoing secretary Emma Daly.
There are no words to express my gratitude or the Clubs for the dedication you have given to Spa Ladies football throughout the years – you were brought into the club on a pretext– “ you will just be bringing them to the bathroom”.
From then you trained at every age group from U8 to Senior while also holding the position as Secretary for the last 3 years along with volunteering at numerous Spa events. You will be missed in the role however I am sure you will always be heavily involved. There are big boots to fill.
With the dedication Emma has given to this Kerry Club you wouldn’t believe she is from Cork – except for her signature hats on the sideline, well Corks loss was our gain.
Thanks Tomas Daly for the recruitment.
Thank you Emma for everything.
Susan Waters LGFA Chairperson