Spa GAA thanks Cllr Michael Gleeson for his years of public service

In Spa, a mixture of regret and gratitude met the recent announcement of Michael Gleeson's retirement from representative political life.

In his football career, Mick represented Spa with pride in the green and gold of Kerry, winning 2 All-Ireland senior football medals. He was equally proud of his successes with Spa, including winning 7 O'Donoghue Cup medals. He continued to represent us well during almost 40 years of outstanding public service.

The Spa G.A.A. crest highlights the natural beauty of our area - hills, rivers, lakes, fertile valleys and woods. Maintaining these in pristine condition was a high priority for him. He wished that we would have a healthy and varied environment to enjoy and to pass on to future generations.

His efforts have led to huge improvements to our town and district. Judicious use of his councillor's allocation and his advancing of local improvement schemes mean that many of our roads are more comfortable and safer.

Of particular significance to Spa G.A.A. are the improved access road to our pitch, the erection of public lighting at the entrance and the new surface on the road from Spa Bridge to our field. Many other roads from Gortdromakerrie to Kilbrean bear the imprint of his work.

He took particular pride in getting the roundabout at Lissivigeen named in honour of our Spa-Muckross Olympian Gillian O' Sullivan. Cycle lanes and walkways will help to keep us all healthier and happier.

Táimíd thar a bheith buíoch duit a Mhichíl agus do Caitlín as ucht bhúr dea obair. Tá luach bhur gcuid saothair tuillte agat.Bain taitneamh as.