Spa Killarney Handball Club had a successful weekend at the She's Aces tournament

(shared from Spa Killarney Handball Club)

Spa Killarney Handball Club has had a successfull weekend in the She's Aces tournament in Conna Co.Cork . Sarah Dineen who entered the Ladies Challenger did herself proud after winning the tournament.

Sarah first played Agnes Hurley from Conna on a scoreline of 21- 20 in such a formidable game Sarah's confidence went sky high after winning such a tough battle with Anges .

Sarah's second opponent was Nolwenn Even from St Brigids . This game was different to the first game Sarah had it in her own hands for the majority of the match, Scoreline was 21 -12 .

Sarah played Kate O Riordan from Conna in the final which wasn't easy as Kate being in her own back yard having that home advantage . It meant Sarah had to work hard for every singe ace and so she did , Sarah's Serves throughout the tournament we're accurate and powerful and it really worked to her advantage in the final match . Scoreline was 21 -11.

This is the 2nd year that Spa Killarney Handball Club have won the Ladies Challenger . Aoife Walsh who won in 2022 and now Sarah Dineen 2023 . Great to see upcoming handballers winning in Spa .

Thanks to all the organisers who held the She's Aces Tournament . A huge success once again .