Taoiseach announces acceleration of the re-opening plan

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This evening Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced a further acceleration of the re-opening of the Irish economy, with some of the Phase 4 steps now being brought forward to Phase 3 starting Monday June 29th.

Based on advice from NPHET (National Public Health Emergency Team), we are clearly making great progress in suppressing the spread of the virus, but as always they are asking people to continue to proceed with caution. Some of the new changes are:

From June 29th

  • Groups of up to 50 people can meet indoors and groups of up to 200 people can meet outdoors. All going well, it is hoped to be able to increase these numbers in Phase 4 (starting July 20th) to gatherings of up to 100 people indoors and 500 people outdoors.

  • Gyms, leisure facilities, cinemas, hairdressers, barbers and beauticians can all re-open

    All sporting activities, including close contact sports and team leagues for adults and children, can recommence. Sports can take place BUT with a limited number of spectators

  • Churches and places of worship can resume services

  • A reminder that in Phase 3 people are still being advised to work from home where possible

People are asked to consider 4 things before doing something: DATE: Distance - Activity - Time - Environment and to always make sure to take personal responsibility before doing something.

  1. Distance - Continue to maintain a 2 metre distance where you can

  2. Activity - Continue with handwashing, good hygiene practices and the wearing of face coverings

  3. Time - Be aware of the length of time you spend with people or spend with others in a group setting

  4. Environment - Be aware of the space you are in, for example an indoor poorly ventilated space will be a higher risk than an outdoor space