Walking Track


Following the success of the recent Operation Transformation Ireland Lights Up walks at the club grounds, we have decided to CONTINUE to light up the walking track on Thursday nights.

A huge thank you to Susan who introduced the Ireland Lights Up initiative to the club and who organised the event at the club each week from January 17th until February 21st. Thank you also to all the stewards, helpers, volunteers and walkers who made it such a success!

For the past six weeks the club has been welcoming lots of people - young and old - from the local community, some walking the 1km loop several times before enjoying their fruit and a cuppa in the clubhouse.

Starting this Thursday February 28th, the lights will be on again between 7pm and 9pm - but - please note the track is open for Club Members ONLY. The track is also open during the day time until 1pm - for Members ONLY! And please remember - NO Dogs Allowed!

(Club Membership is open until March 31st and registration can be processed online here)