Awards Night 2019: Summary

Thanks to everyone who came to this year's awards night. A sell-out crowd in excess of 200 patrons attended last Saturday evening at the Torc Hotel, where we were exceptionally well looked-after by Brendan Downes and his excellent staff team.

Our outstanding master of ceremonies (Mick Gleeson) introduced all of our nominees in a warm, unique and thoughtful manner. The Spa U16s team of 1968 was honoured on the night, as the club's first juvenile team to capture the East Kerry championship.

The families of John Doyle, Pat Corcoran and Aidan Cronin were in attendance to present our senior, junior and minor players-of-the-year awards to Michael O'Donoghue, Corey Doyle and Ollie Cremin respectively. Mairead Finnegan was presented with the senior ladies player-of-the-year award.

Our cultural award this year was given to the well-deserving Ann Mangan, while the lifetime achievement award was presented to a most popular recipient, Andy O'Sullivan.

Lively music was provided by The Two Mikes, which ensured a full dance floor for the duration of the whole night - whilst old friends from 50 years ago met up to discuss the glorious times gone past, as well as the bright future prospects for their beloved Spa.