Spa Senior Ladies through to Donal Curtin Cup Final

The Spa Senior Ladies turned out on Monday 19th July to play Austin Stacks in Tralee in the semi-final of the Donal Curtin Cup. Playing conditions were ideal, not too warm given the temperatures earlier in the day.

The Spa Ladies knew this game was going to be tough but they took them on from the start. The Spa Ladies displayed fantastic team effort and played great attacking football. They worked tirelessly throughout the game to stay on top of the leader board.

Austin Stacks were a very strong side but the Spa Ladies rallied through their opponents defence leading the game by 6 goals and 3 points. The final score Spa 6-3 to Stacks 1-9.

The Senior Ladies team have reached the Final in the Donal Curtin Cup and will meet their neighbours Dr Crokes. Date and time to be confirmed at a later stage.
